Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Head Shot

Ok, since you are here, you can see my new head shot over there to the left. Don't remember the old one? Yeah, looks pretty much the same. Except the shirt is a different plaid . . . and the glasses are missing . . . Oh, and a little hair.

Ok, that's not really a necessary consequence of my accident. Yeah, I had a head laceration, and I had suggested to the E.R. nurse that since Sam had some of his shaved, then could she do mine? She convinced me that the staple sutures would not be a good look and I should wait for them to come out. While waiting Sam's brother had his head done. By Amanda! Poor guy. The things a brother will do for solidarity. Well, since Cameron did his, as soon as the staples were done I shaved mine too. Right now my plan is to leave it that way until he leaves the hospital, but I give me permission to change that plan too. Actually I kind of like it, but it makes for a lot to shave!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cool. look younger, tougher, way mas macho.

your less macho bro.