Saturday, June 07, 2008

Here we go again

So it's late. It's Thursday. And it' s high time i left. But since no one is reading this, I can take a bit of time and practice my blogging "skills" on my PALM ® device.

By skills, of course, I'm not referring to my ability to string words together in a row. I either can or can't. It's about keying it all in.
Well, what is invisible to the reader is that was really too hard. And though I said this was Thursday, and you see that this post is Friday, don't be fooled. Thursday was a week ago and I just could not imagine finishing the post . . . So what changed? So glad you asked.

In the intervening week, I have gotten a Universal Wireless Keyboard (Full size, Compact Design). Hey, I don't make this stuff up! That's what the package says. I tried taking a picture of it. If possible I'll send it with this post. When collapsed, it is larger than the Palm, though close to the size of the hard shell case. Open, well, it works. My fingers are used to something bigger, this is an elf keyboard. But it means I can type into my Palm and Blog from Africa . . So it's a big step.

See the Africa Blog for more. We don't go until the end of the month, but planning is happening. It's at

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