So the other day, I was at the grocery store picking up a few things for dinner. On the way out, I discovered that it is that time again. Some kids with a table . . . "Hello! would you like to buy some____?" You fill in the blank depending on the kid. The Girl Scouts have cookies, the Boy Scouts have popcorn and nuts, the middle school band has whatever was a deal this year. The other day it was Camp Fire candy that was being charmingly pitched.
I have two usual responses. About 1/2 the time I donate a buck or two for the box of candy I really don't need. (Except for the Girl Scout "Samoas", I like them needed or not!) They get the profit they would make off of me, and they still have the box to sell. The other 1/2 I will say no thanks and move on.
This very close to being a "no thanks" day. In fact the words were said and I was out the door when I realized what it said on the sign near the table: "You Can Donate Your Candy To Troops." Huh!? I went back and asked what the deal was. This Camp Fire group has a dad in the military who is serving in Afghanistan. What they do is collect candy that people donate. When the box is full , off it goes to his units as well as others where he can give a connection to send it to.
How easy was this? It cost me five bucks, I don't have to eat the candy, the kids raise their funds, and there is a bonus day for soldiers half way around the world. I don't think that anyone loses in this transaction.
Now I know that folks have a lot of different feelings about the war(s). It is either a colossal mistake, or necessary to defend our freedom, or something else. But hopefully we all realize that these young men and women left their kids and are sticking their necks out for us. I think we can all support them regardless of how we feel about the politics that sent them there.
So here is a question to ponder. Don't you think that just about EVERY Girl Scout, Boy Scout, Camp Fire or middle school band group has some connection with our men and women in uniform? Isn't this an idea that should be spread around? Ya Think?